Plagiarism is The Most Common Academic Dishonesty

What is plagiarism?
Plagiarism encompasses utilizing other people’s words or ideologies and depicting them as if they are your own. Plagiarism is the most common academic dishonesty. Hence, one should always target to comprehend what it entails and avoid it in academic writing. is here to offer you a plagiarism-free paper by using Grammarly plagiarism checker and Turnitin!
Examples of Academic Dishonesty
- Using a copy of full text without citations, including coping three consecutive words.
- Use sample papers or previously published work as your own, including papers you did once, and turn them in for another class.
- Paraphrasing an idea from a text without including an in-text citation and reference page. “For example, statistics indicated that adult obesity affects almost 50% of this particular population.” In such a sentence, you should include the intext-citation and a reference page where you derived the statistics from when working on your paper.
- When you use a direct quote from a text and forget to include in-text citations, that is plagiarism.
- Using a direct quote and citing it but failing to include the proper quotation marks.
- An inaccurate citation of a source or inclusion of fake references. In this case, always be ready to provide the pdf version or a link to access any source you utilize to work on your paper.
- When you use graphs or charts without proper citations, resulting in plagiarism.
How to Avoid Academic Dishonesty
- Use in-text citations for each source you use to work on your paper.
- When using the appropriate formatting style, include proper quotation marks for the direct page. For example, include the page number of the source when quoting.
- Proper referencing of your work, including all the ideas or facts using the required formatting style, e.g., APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago, OSCOLA etc.
- Use only real sources when working on your paper or essay, and appropriately cite them.
- Accurately paraphrase the work by reading, mulling over, and then writing the idea presented in the source in your own words, including proper in-text citations and a reference list.
Plagiarism Checkers
Various plagiarism checkers are available online, with Turnitin being one of the best for checking plagiarism. Others include Scribbr, Grammarly, PlagScan, and
N/B:- We use Turnitin and Grammarly to ensure that you get 100% original work.
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